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KDnuggets™ News 12:n20, Aug 28

Features (7) | Software (4) | Courses, Events (2) | Webcasts (1) | Meetings (2) | Jobs (6) | Academic (2) | Competitions (2) | Publications (8) | NewsBriefs (6) | CFP (11) | Quote



  • BigData Choice: Which database to use? - Aug 21, 2012.
    In the era of big data, RDBMS is no longer the only choice. Here is a guide for what type of DB to choose, including Key-value pair, Column family/big table, Document, and Graph databases.
  • Apache Drill clones Google Dremel Real Time Big Data Tool - Aug 21, 2012.
    Apache Drill projects wants to build an open source version of Google Dremel, which allows real-time querying of Big Data, and is suitable for processing streaming data. This will be a big step beyond Hadoop, which was designed for batch processing.
  • Google Dremel makes Big Data interactive, goes way beyond Hadoop - Aug 16, 2012.
    Google Dremel is a scalable, interactive ad-hoc query system for Big Data which greatly exceeds Hadoop capabilities. By combining multi-level execution trees and columnar data layout, it can aggregate trillion-row tables in seconds. You can use Dremel today.
  • 11Ants Analytics Predictor for Oracle - Aug 24, 2012.
    11Ants Predictor for Oracle is a high speed scoring engine for deploying predictive models to Oracle enterprise databases. It enables users to easily deploy predictive models built with 11Ants Analytics desktop modeling tools

Courses, Events




Academic/Research positions



News Briefs

  • Romney uses secretive data-mining - Aug 27, 2012.
    Romney campaign began a secretive data-mining project this summer to sift through Americans personal information - including their purchasing history and church attendance - to identify new and likely wealthy donors.
  • Aerospike buys AlchemyDB, launches community edition, gets new funding - Aug 27, 2012.
    Aerospike (formerly Citrusleaf) added Alchemy team to integrate AlchemyDB index, document store, graph database, and SQL functionality into Aerospike Database; Launched community edition which can handle >200K TPS on commodity servers; Attracts Series B Funding and adds Don Haderle, Father of IBM DB2 as advisor.
  • DataWeek Top Innovator Winners in 19 categories - Aug 23, 2012.
    A common trend among winners is that most of their technologies are available online and as-a-service, offering data technology to even small businesses and startups
  • US intelligence tests crowd-sourcing against experts - Aug 22, 2012.
    Can large groups be better predictors of terrorism and international events than analysts in government spy services?
  • SAS, LSU launch MS in Analytics - Aug 20, 2012.
    In a successful pilot during the 2011-2012 school year, all graduates found employment in weeks with companies like Amazon.com, Bank of America and SAS.
  • Big Data Analytics take majority of VC Funding- Aug 15, 2012.
    Within Big Data, analytics companies take over 50% of recent Venture Capital deals, followed by big data infrastructure and applications.

CFP - Calls for Papers


Big Data phenomenon is real, but it needs a better name to earn respect from researchers. Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro

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