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KDnuggets™ News 12:n27, Nov 28

Features (6) | Software (4) | Courses, Events (2) | Webcasts (6) | Meetings (3) | Jobs (6) | Academic (4) | Competitions (2) | Publications (6) | NewsBriefs (1) | CFP (5) | Quote



  • IBM: Analyzing Survey Text: A Brief Overview - Nov 27, 2012.
    Researchers can easily get more insight from their text responses using new tools for text analysis - spending less time on manual coding and reaping increased cost savings. See how you can gain a more detailed understanding of your survey results. Download now.
  • QDA Miner Lite - Free Version - Nov 27, 2012.
    An easy-to-use tool for coding, annotating and analyzing collections of documents and images such as interview or focus-group transcripts, journal articles, web pages, or customer feedback.
  • Predixion data mining workbench free for developers - Nov 23, 2012.
    From the team that brought you the data mining add-ins for Microsoft Office, Predixion Enterprise Insight Developer Edition is now available, on-premise or in the cloud, and it is free - no strings attached - for use in your development environment.
  • Best Python modules for data mining (c comments) - Nov 14, 2012.
    best python modules for machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, network analysis, and web scraping

Courses, Events



  • NII Shonan Informatics Meetings - Call for Proposals - Nov 21, 2012.
    NII Shonan meetings follow the Dagstuhl model to promote informatics and informatics research by providing a premier venue for world-class scientists, young researchers, and practitioners to come together in Asia.
  • Oracle BIWA Summit: Jan 8-10, Redwood City, CA - Nov 20, 2012.
    The Oracle BIWA Summit brings together Oracle ACE experts, customers who are currently using or planning to use Oracle BI, Warehousing and Analytics products and technologies, partners and Oracle Product Managers, Support Personnel and Development Managers.
  • EGC 2013 Toulouse: Call for Participation - Nov 16, 2012.
    This French-speaking international conference is devoted to theories, methods and applications of data mining, machine learning, knowledge discovery in databases, knowledge management and engineering.


Academic/Research positions



News Briefs

CFP - Calls for Papers


As Jean-Jacques Rousseau put it, "a little bit of agitation gives motivation to the soul, and what really makes the species prosper is not peace so much as freedom." With freedom comes some unpredictable fluctuation. This is one of life's packages: there is no freedom without noise - and no stability without volatility.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Mark Blyth in the Black Swan of Cairo: How Suppressing Volatility Makes the World Less Predictable and More Dangerous (Thanks to Ismail Parsa for the quotation)

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