Alpine Data Science Periodic Table

One of the most clever giveaways at the recent Strata Conference in Santa Clara was a Periodic Table of Data Science from Alpine.

At the recent Strata Conference (Feb 11-13, 2014 in Santa Clara) there were many creative give-aways companies used to attract prospects to their booth.

One of the most clever was a Periodic Table of Data Science from Alpine.

It divided data science operators into 7 categories:

Load: Hc - copy to Hadoop, Ds - Dataset ...

Explore: Bc - Bar Chart, Bp - Box Plot ...

Transform: Ag - Aggregate,Co - Collapse ...

Sample: Rs - Random Sampling, Ss - Stratified Sampling ...

Model: Ar - Association Rules, Sr - SVM Regression ...

Predict: Ad- Adaboost Predictor, Np - Neural Network Predictor ...

Tools: Cm - Confusion Matrix, Gf - Goodness of Fit ...
Alpine Data Science Periodic Table An interactive version is available at and it is intended to be used in conjunction with Alpine Chorus, which you can get for free here.