5 Free Resources for Furthering Your Understanding of Deep Learning

This post includes 5 specific video-based options for furthering your understanding of neural networks and deep learning, collectively consisting of many, many hours of insights.

Interested in furthering your understanding of neural networks and deep learning, above and beyond the basic introductory tutorials and videos out there? This post includes 5 specific video-based options for doing just that, collectively consisting of many, many hours of insights. If you already possess some basic knowledge of neural networks, it may be time to jump in and tackle some more advanced concepts.

1. Deep Learning Summer School Talks

MTL DL Summer School

Machine learning and (more recently) deep learning summer schools are held in numerous locations every year. Given the rising prominence of Montreal's deep learning and AI ecosystem, and the superstar speakers that are readily available locally and affiliated with local institutions further flung, here are Montreal's Deep Learning Summer School video playlists (and slides) from the past 2 years. You'll find most of the big name speakers within, who cover a wide range of topics. If you look at only a single resource on this page, I would suggest the most recent Montreal Summer School videos and accompanying slides.

2. NIPS 2016 Spotlight Videos

Beyond basic tutorials -- be they written or video -- and code analysis, one of the best ways to further your understanding of what's going on in neural network research is to see what research is being presented at conferences. These are short, to-the-point spotlight videos on a number of research papers and topics presented at NIPS 2016. Sure, it was way back last year, but consider it a primer for this year's NIPS... if you happening to have been able to register, that is. Much less time investment is required than the above playlists, but you may just get turned on to something you hadn't previously heard about.

3. Deep Learning Book Overview Videos

The Deep Learning book (Goodfellow, Bengio & Courville) is almost universally thought of as the premier book in its space, and for good reason. The videos below are chapter overview talks from the book, given by both the authors and relevant topic community experts.

4. Information Theory of Deep Learning

A great talk by Naftali Tishby from Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications in Berlin, June 2017. One of a number of recent attempts at "understanding" neural networks, and good for some insight into the complex ongoing adventure attempting to do so.

5. Heroes of Deep Learning Videos

Andrew Ng, as part of his latest deeplearning.ai Coursera specialization, has put together a series of videos focusing on the "heroes of deep learning." It's a really great concept, and focuses on short video interview-style discussions with some of the top research in the field.
