Search results for cost function

    Found 965 documents, 5922 searched:

  • 5 Concepts You Should Know About Gradient Descent and Cost Function

    Why is Gradient Descent so important in Machine Learning? Learn more about this iterative optimization algorithm and how it is used to minimize a loss function.

  • Interpreting Model Performance with Cost Functions

    Cost functions are critical for the correct assessment of performance of data mining and predictive models. This series goes deep into the statistical properties and mathematical understanding of each cost function and explores their similarities and differences.

  • HuggingChat Python API: Your No-Cost Alternative

    KDnuggets Top Blog HuggingChat is a free and open source alternative to commercial chat offerings such as ChatGPT. The unofficial Python API gives you immediate access, without signup, for free.

  • How a Level System can Help Forecast AI Costs

    To forecast costs for AI systems, it can be useful to talk about their “level” just like SAE has levels for self-driving cars. Adopting a level system can help organizations plan and prepare for AI systems that scale in complexity over time.

  • Top Five SQL Window Functions You Should Know For Data Science Interviews

    KDnuggets Top Blog Focusing on the important concepts for data scientists.

  • Reducing the High Cost of Training NLP Models With SRU++

    The increasing computation time and costs of training natural language models (NLP) highlight the importance of inventing computationally efficient models that retain top modeling power with reduced or accelerated computation. A single experiment training a top-performing language model on the 'Billion Word' benchmark would take 384 GPU days and as much as $36,000 using AWS on-demand instances.

  • Choosing an Error Function

    The error function expresses how much we care about a deviation of a certain size. The choice of error function depends entirely on how our model will be used.

  • Cartoon: Halloween Costume for Big Data.

    We revisit KDnuggets cartoon looking at the appropriate Halloween costume for Big Data and its companion, No Privacy.

  • Using Confusion Matrices to Quantify the Cost of Being Wrong

    The terms ‘true condition’ (‘positive outcome’) and ‘predicted condition’ (‘negative outcome’) are used when discussing Confusion Matrices. This means that you need to understand the differences (and eventually the costs associated) with Type I and Type II Errors.

  • Understanding Objective Functions in Neural Networks

    This blog post is targeted towards people who have experience with machine learning, and want to get a better intuition on the different objective functions used to train neural networks.

  • 7 Ways to Get High-Quality Labeled Training Data at Low Cost

    Having labeled training data is needed for machine learning, but getting such data is not simple or cheap. We review 7 approaches including repurposing, harvesting free sources, retrain models on progressively higher quality data, and more.

  • The Costs of Misclassifications

    Importance of correct classification and hazards of misclassification are subjective or we can say varies on case-to-case. Lets see how cost of misclassification is measured from monetary perspective.

  • The High Cost of Maintaining Machine Learning Systems

    Google researchers warn of the massive ongoing costs for maintaining machine learning systems. We examine how to minimize the technical debt.

  • KDnuggets News, September 21: 7 Machine Learning Portfolio Projects to Boost the Resume • Free SQL and Database Course

    7 Machine Learning Portfolio Projects to Boost the Resume • Free SQL and Database Course • Top 5 Bookmarks Every Data Analyst Should Have • 7 Steps to Mastering Python for Data Science • 5 Concepts You Should Know About Gradient Descent and Cost Function

  • 10 Gradient Descent Optimisation Algorithms + Cheat Sheet

    Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm used for minimizing the cost function in various ML algorithms. Here are some common gradient descent optimisation algorithms used in the popular deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow and Keras.

  • K-Means in Real Life: Clustering Workout Sessions

    By using the within-cluster sum of squares as cost function, data points in the same cluster will be similar to each other, whereas data points in different clusters will have a lower level of similarity.

  • WTF is Regularization and What is it For?

    This article explains the concept of regularization and its significance in machine learning and deep learning. We have discussed how regularization can be used to enhance the performance of linear models, as well as how it can be applied to improve the performance of deep learning models.

  • Building Predictive Models: Logistic Regression in Python

    Want to learn how to build predictive models using logistic regression? This tutorial covers logistic regression in depth with theory, math, and code to help you build better models.

  • Gradient Descent: The Mountain Trekker’s Guide to Optimization with Mathematics

    Gradient descent is an optimization technique used to minimise errors in machine learning models. By iteratively adjusting parameters in the steepest direction of decrease, it seeks the lowest error value.

  • Unveiling Unsupervised Learning

    Explore the unsupervised learning paradigm. Familiarize yourself with the key concepts, techniques, and popular unsupervised learning algorithms.

  • Making Predictions: A Beginner’s Guide to Linear Regression in Python

    Learn everything about the most popular Machine Learning algorithm, Linear Regression, with its Mathematical Intuition and Python implementation.

  • What Is ChatGPT Doing and Why Does It Work?

    In this article, we will explain how ChatGPT works and why it is able to produce coherent and diverse conversations.

  • Back To Basics, Part Dos: Gradient Descent

    Explore the inner workings of the powerful optimization algorithm.

  • Key Issues Associated with Classification Accuracy

    In this blog, we will unfold the key problems associated with classification accuracies, such as imbalanced classes, overfitting, and data bias, and proven ways to address those issues successfully.

  • Data Science Minimum: 10 Essential Skills You Need to Know to Start Doing Data Science

    Data science is ever-evolving, so mastering its foundational technical and soft skills will help you be successful in a career as a Data Scientist, as well as pursue advance concepts, such as deep learning and artificial intelligence.

  • From Data to Verse: KDnuggets and ChatGPT in Conversation

    KDnuggets recently had the opportunity to sit down with newly-released acclaimed artificial intelligence ChatGTP from OpenAI. What we found during the course of conversation was both interesting and surprising. Read on to find out what ChatGPT knew about data science and much more.

  • 3 Free Machine Learning Courses for Beginners

    KDnuggets Top Blog Begin your machine learning career with free courses by Georgia Tech, Stanford, and Fast AI.

  • How Much Math Do You Need in Data Science?

    There exist so many great computational tools available for Data Scientists to perform their work. However, mathematical skills are still essential in data science and machine learning because these tools will only be black-boxes for which you will not be able to ask core analytical questions without a theoretical foundation.

  • 5 Free Courses to Master Calculus

    Calculus is one of the foundational pillars of understanding the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms. The post shares five free courses to help you master calculus and learn its real-world applications.

  • Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Data Science

    Dimensionality reduction techniques are basically a part of the data pre-processing step, performed before training the model.

  • Machine Learning Metadata Store

    In this article, we will learn about metadata stores, the need for them, their components, and metadata store management.

  • 7 Techniques to Handle Imbalanced Data

    This blog post introduces seven techniques that are commonly applied in domains like intrusion detection or real-time bidding, because the datasets are often extremely imbalanced.

  • How to Avoid Overfitting

    Overfitting is when a statistical model fits exactly against its training data. This leads to the model failing to predict future observations accurately.

  • How Does Logistic Regression Work?

    Logistic regression is a machine learning classification algorithm that is used to predict the probability of certain classes based on some dependent variables

  • Deep Learning Key Terms, Explained

    Gain a beginner's perspective on artificial neural networks and deep learning with this set of 14 straight-to-the-point related key concept definitions.

  • Data Science, Statistics and Machine Learning Dictionary

    Check out this curated list of the most used data science terminology and get a leg up on your learning.

  • Logistic Regression for Classification

    Deep dive into Logistic Regression with practical examples.

  • Linear vs Logistic Regression: A Succinct Explanation

    KDnuggets Top Blog Linear Regression and Logistic Regression are two well-used Machine Learning Algorithms that both branch off from Supervised Learning. Linear Regression is used to solve Regression problems whereas Logistic Regression is used to solve Classification problems. Read more here.

  • Essential Machine Learning Algorithms: A Beginner’s Guide

    Machine Learning as a technology, ensures that our current gadgets and their software get smarter by the day. Here are the algorithms that you ought to know about to understand Machine Learning’s varied and extensive functionalities and their effectiveness.

  • Decision Tree Algorithm, Explained

    All you need to know about decision trees and how to build and optimize decision tree classifier.

  • 30 Most Asked Machine Learning Questions Answered

    There is always a lot to learn in machine learning. Whether you are new to the field or a seasoned practitioner and ready for a refresher, understanding these key concepts will keep your skills honed in the right direction.

  • Optimization Algorithms in Neural Networks">Silver BlogOptimization Algorithms in Neural Networks

    This article presents an overview of some of the most used optimizers while training a neural network.

  • 20 Core Data Science Concepts for Beginners">Platinum Blog20 Core Data Science Concepts for Beginners

    With so much to learn and so many advancements to follow in the field of data science, there are a core set of foundational concepts that remain essential. Twenty of these ideas are highlighted here that are key to review when preparing for a job interview or just to refresh your appreciation of the basics.

  • Fast Gradient Boosting with CatBoost

    In this piece, we’ll take a closer look at a gradient boosting library called CatBoost.

  • MathWorks Deep learning workflow: tips, tricks, and often forgotten steps

    Getting started in deep learning – and adopting an organized, sustainable, and reproducible workflow – can be challenging. This blog post will share some tips and tricks to help you develop a systematic, effective, attainable, and scalable deep learning workflow as you experiment with different deep learning models, datasets, and applications.

  • Which methods should be used for solving linear regression?

    As a foundational set of algorithms in any machine learning toolbox, linear regression can be solved with a variety of approaches. Here, we discuss. with with code examples, four methods and demonstrate how they should be used.

  • How Do Neural Networks Learn?

    With neural networks being so popular today in AI and machine learning development, they can still look like a black box in terms of how they learn to make predictions. To understand what is going on deep in these networks, we must consider how neural networks perform optimization.

  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN): Deep Learning for Sequential Data

    Recurrent Neural Networks can be used for a number of ways such as detecting the next word/letter, forecasting financial asset prices in a temporal space, action modeling in sports, music composition, image generation, and more.

  • Announcing PyCaret 1.0.0

    An open source low-code machine learning library in Python. PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with few words only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient.

  • Exploring TensorFlow Quantum, Google’s New Framework for Creating Quantum Machine Learning Models

    TensorFlow Quantum allow data scientists to build machine learning models that work on quantum architectures.

  • A Top Machine Learning Algorithm Explained: Support Vector Machines (SVM)">Silver BlogA Top Machine Learning Algorithm Explained: Support Vector Machines (SVM)

    Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are powerful for solving regression and classification problems. You should have this approach in your machine learning arsenal, and this article provides all the mathematics you need to know -- it's not as hard you might think.

  • Generate Realistic Human Face using GAN

    This article contain a brief intro to Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) and how to build a Human Face Generator.

  • Data Science Curriculum for self-study

    Are you asking the question, "how do I become a Data Scientist?" This list recommends the best essential topics to gain an introductory understanding for getting started in the field. After learning these basics, keep in mind that doing real data science projects through internships or competitions is crucial to acquiring the core skills necessary for the job.

  • Exoplanet Hunting Using Machine Learning

    Search for exoplanets — those planets beyond our own solar system — using machine learning, and implement these searches in Python.

  • Fighting Overfitting in Deep Learning

    This post outlines an attack plan for fighting overfitting in neural networks.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Model Retraining

    Once you have deployed your machine learning model into production, differences in real-world data will result in model drift. So, retraining and redeploying will likely be required. In other words, deployment should be treated as a continuous process. This guide defines model drift and how to identify it, and includes approaches to enable model training.

  • 5 Techniques to Prevent Overfitting in Neural Networks

    In this article, I will present five techniques to prevent overfitting while training neural networks.

  • Enabling the Deep Learning Revolution

    Deep learning models are revolutionizing the business and technology world with jaw-dropping performances in one application area after another. Read this post on some of the numerous composite technologies which allow deep learning its complex nonlinearity.

  • Explainability: Cracking open the black box, Part 1

    What is Explainability in AI and how can we leverage different techniques to open the black box of AI and peek inside? This practical guide offers a review and critique of the various techniques of interpretability.

  • Designing Your Neural Networks

    Check out this step-by-step walk through of some of the more confusing aspects of neural nets to guide you to making smart decisions about your neural network architecture.

  • Build an Artificial Neural Network From Scratch: Part 1

    This article focused on building an Artificial Neural Network using the Numpy Python library.

  • Intro to Adversarial Machine Learning and Generative Adversarial Networks

    In this crash course on GANs, we explore where they fit into the pantheon of generative models, how they've changed over time, and what the future has in store for this area of machine learning.

  • Writing Your First Neural Net in Less Than 30 Lines of Code with Keras

    Read this quick overview of neural networks and learn how to implement your first in very few lines using Keras.

  • Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks

    In this article, we’ll try to cover everything related to Artificial Neural Networks or ANN.

  • There is No Free Lunch in Data Science">Silver BlogThere is No Free Lunch in Data Science

    There is no such thing as a free lunch in life or data science. Here, we'll explore some science philosophy and discuss the No Free Lunch theorems to find out what they mean for the field of data science.

  • Nothing but NumPy: Understanding & Creating Neural Networks with Computational Graphs from Scratch">Gold BlogNothing but NumPy: Understanding & Creating Neural Networks with Computational Graphs from Scratch

    Entirely implemented with NumPy, this extensive tutorial provides a detailed review of neural networks followed by guided code for creating one from scratch with computational graphs.

  • Why Machine Learning is vulnerable to adversarial attacks and how to fix it

    Machine learning can process data imperceptible to humans to produce expected results. These inconceivable patterns are inherent in the data but may make models vulnerable to adversarial attacks. How can developers harness these features to not lose control of AI?

  • How Optimization Works

    Optimization problems are naturally described in terms of costs - money, time, resources - rather than benefits. In math it's convenient to make all your problems look the same before you work out a solution, so that you can just solve it the one time.

  • How can quantum computing be useful for Machine Learning

    We investigate where quantum computing and machine learning could intersect, providing plenty of use cases, examples and technical analysis.

  • Understanding Gradient Boosting Machines">Silver BlogUnderstanding Gradient Boosting Machines

    However despite its massive popularity, many professionals still use this algorithm as a black box. As such, the purpose of this article is to lay an intuitive framework for this powerful machine learning technique.

  • Data Scientist’s Dilemma: The Cold Start Problem – Ten Machine Learning Examples

    We present an array of examples showcasing the cold-start problems in data science where the algorithms and techniques of machine learning produce the good judgment in model progression toward the optimal solution.

  • Word Embeddings & Self-Supervised Learning, Explained

    There are many algorithms to learn word embeddings. Here, we consider only one of them: word2vec, and only one version of word2vec called skip-gram, which works well in practice.

  • The Backpropagation Algorithm Demystified

    A crucial aspect of machine learning is its ability to recognize error margins and to interpret data more precisely as rising numbers of datasets are fed through its neural network. Commonly referred to as backpropagation, it is a process that isn’t as complex as you might think.

  • A Guide to Decision Trees for Machine Learning and Data Science">Silver BlogA Guide to Decision Trees for Machine Learning and Data Science

    What makes decision trees special in the realm of ML models is really their clarity of information representation. The “knowledge” learned by a decision tree through training is directly formulated into a hierarchical structure.

  • Word Vectors in Natural Language Processing: Global Vectors (GloVe)

    A well-known model that learns vectors or words from their co-occurrence information is GlobalVectors (GloVe). While word2vec is a predictive model — a feed-forward neural network that learns vectors to improve the predictive ability, GloVe is a count-based model.

  • An Introduction to t-SNE with Python Example

    In this post we’ll give an introduction to the exploratory and visualization t-SNE algorithm. t-SNE is a powerful dimension reduction and visualization technique used on high dimensional data.

  • Only Numpy: Implementing GANs and Adam Optimizer using Numpy">Silver BlogOnly Numpy: Implementing GANs and Adam Optimizer using Numpy

    This post is an implementation of GANs and the Adam optimizer using only Python and Numpy, with minimal focus on the underlying maths involved.

  • An Intuitive Introduction to Gradient Descent

    This post provides a good introduction to Gradient Descent, covering the intuition, variants and choosing the learning rate.

  • Getting Started with TensorFlow: A Machine Learning Tutorial

    A complete and rigorous introduction to Tensorflow. Code along with this tutorial to get started with hands-on examples.

  • Understanding Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a practical use-case in Tensorflow and Keras">Silver BlogUnderstanding Deep Convolutional Neural Networks with a practical use-case in Tensorflow and Keras

    We show how to build a deep neural network that classifies images to many categories with an accuracy of a 90%. This was a very hard problem before the rise of deep networks and especially Convolutional Neural Networks.

  • Want to know how Deep Learning works? Here’s a quick guide for everyone">Gold BlogWant to know how Deep Learning works? Here’s a quick guide for everyone

    Once you’ve read this article, you will understand the basics of AI and ML. More importantly, you will understand how Deep Learning, the most popular type of ML, works.

  • XGBoost: A Concise Technical Overview">Silver BlogXGBoost: A Concise Technical Overview

    Interested in learning the concepts behind XGBoost, rather than just using it as a black box? Or, are you looking for a concise introduction to XGBoost? Then, this article is for you. Includes a Python implementation and links to other basic Python and R codes as well.

  • Neural Network Foundations, Explained: Updating Weights with Gradient Descent & Backpropagation

    In neural networks, connection weights are adjusted in order to help reconcile the differences between the actual and predicted outcomes for subsequent forward passes. But how, exactly, do these weights get adjusted?

  • Machine Learning Exercises in Python: An Introductory Tutorial Series">Silver Blog, July 2017Machine Learning Exercises in Python: An Introductory Tutorial Series

    This post presents a summary of a series of tutorials covering the exercises from Andrew Ng's machine learning class on Coursera. Instead of implementing the exercises in Octave, the author has opted to do so in Python, and provide commentary along the way.

  • Summary of Unintuitive Properties of Neural Networks

    Neural networks work really well on many problems, including language, image and speech recognition. However understanding how they work is not simple, and here is a summary of unusual and counter intuitive properties they have.

  • Machine Learning Crash Course: Part 1

    This post, the first in a series of ML tutorials, aims to make machine learning accessible to anyone willing to learn. We’ve designed it to give you a solid understanding of how ML algorithms work as well as provide you the knowledge to harness it in your projects.

  • Must-Know: How to evaluate a binary classifier

    Binary classification is a basic concept which involves classifying the data into two groups. Read on for some additional insight and approaches.

  • Building Regression Models in R using Support Vector Regression

    The article studies the advantage of Support Vector Regression (SVR) over Simple Linear Regression (SLR) models for predicting real values, using the same basic idea as Support Vector Machines (SVM) use for classification.

  • 17 More Must-Know Data Science Interview Questions and Answers">Silver Blog, 201717 More Must-Know Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

    17 new must-know Data Science Interview questions and answers include lessons from failure to predict 2016 US Presidential election and Super Bowl LI comeback, understanding bias and variance, why fewer predictors might be better, and how to make a model more robust to outliers.

  • Deep Learning Research Review: Natural Language Processing">Silver Blog, 2017Deep Learning Research Review: Natural Language Processing

    This edition of Deep Learning Research Review explains recent research papers in Natural Language Processing (NLP). If you don't have the time to read the top papers yourself, or need an overview of NLP with Deep Learning, this post is for you.

  • Implementing a CNN for Human Activity Recognition in Tensorflow

    In this post, we will see how to employ Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for HAR, that will learn complex features automatically from the raw accelerometer signal to differentiate between different activities of daily life.

  • Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks, Explained">Silver BlogArtificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks, Explained

    This article is meant to explain the concepts of AI, deep learning, and neural networks at a level that can be understood by most non-practitioners, and can also serve as a reference or review for technical folks as well.

  • 9 Key Deep Learning Papers, Explained">Gold Blog9 Key Deep Learning Papers, Explained

    If you are interested in understanding the current state of deep learning, this post outlines and thoroughly summarizes 9 of the most influential contemporary papers in the field.

  • Urban Sound Classification with Neural Networks in Tensorflow

    This post discuss techniques of feature extraction from sound in Python using open source library Librosa and implements a Neural Network in Tensorflow to categories urban sounds, including car horns, children playing, dogs bark, and more.

  • The Gentlest Introduction to Tensorflow – Part 2

    Check out the second and final part of this introductory tutorial to TensorFlow.

  • 5 Deep Learning Projects You Can No Longer Overlook

    There are a number of "mainstream" deep learning projects out there, but many more niche projects flying under the radar. Have a look at 5 such projects worth checking out.

  • What is Softmax Regression and How is it Related to Logistic Regression?

    An informative exploration of softmax regression and its relationship with logistic regression, and situations in which each would be applicable.

  • Regularization in Logistic Regression: Better Fit and Better Generalization?

    A discussion on regularization in logistic regression, and how its usage plays into better model fit and generalization.

  • A Visual Explanation of the Back Propagation Algorithm for Neural Networks

    A concise explanation of backpropagation for neural networks is presented in elementary terms, along with explanatory visualization.

  • A Concise Overview of Standard Model-fitting Methods

    A very concise overview of 4 standard model-fitting methods, focusing on their differences: closed-form equations, gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and mini-batch learning.

  • Troubleshooting Neural Networks: What is Wrong When My Error Increases?

    An overview of some of the things that could lead to an increased error rate in neural network implementations.

  • How do Neural Networks Learn?

    Neural networks are generating a lot of excitement, while simultaneously posing challenges to people trying to understand how they work. Visualize how neural nets work from the experience of implementing a real world project.

  • Deep Learning for Visual Question Answering

    Here we discuss about the Visual Question Answering problem, and I’ll also present neural network based approaches for same.

  • KDnuggets™ News 14:n02, Jan 22

    Features (10) | Software (3) | Webcasts (2) | Courses, Events (5) | Meetings (3) | Jobs (11) | Academic (3) | Competitions (1) | Publications Read more »

  • 2014 Jan: Courses and Events: Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining and Data Science

    All (69) | News, Software (19) | Courses, Events (20) | Publications (15) JMP Analytically Speaking Webcasts: Rob Reul (Jan 29), Michael Schrage (Feb 12) Read more »

  • 2014 Jan: Features, News, Software: Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science

    All (69) | News, Software (19) | Courses, Events (19) | Publications (15) Split on Data Science Skills: Individual vs Team approach ( comments) - Read more »

  • 2014 Jan: Analytics, Big Data, Data Mining and Data Science News

    All (84) | News, Software (26) | Courses, Events (30) | Publications (15) | Top Tweets (13)   AltaPlana 2014 Text Analytics Market Study - Read more »

  • The Psychology of Data Visualization: How to Present Data that Persuades

    This article discusses the psychology of data visualization, including the principles and techniques that underpin the creation of persuasive and effective visuals.

  • 7 Steps to Mastering Large Language Model Fine-tuning

    From theory to practice, learn how to enhance your NLP projects with these 7 simple steps.

  • Getting Started with LLMOps: The Secret Sauce Behind Seamless Interactions

    Check out this beginner’s guide to understanding the role of Large Language Model Operations for seamless user experiences.

  • Getting Started With Claude 3 Opus That Just Destroyed GPT-4 and Gemini

    Anthropic has released a new series of large language models and an updated Python API to access them.

  • 8 Built-in Python Decorators to Write Elegant Code

    Developers can modify a function's behavior using decorators, without changing its source code. This provides a concise and flexible way to enhance and extend the functionality of functions.

  • Navigating the Data Revolution: Exploring the Booming Trends in Data Science and Machine Learning

    Dive into transformative trends in data science, encompassing AI-powered automation, NLP, ethical considerations, decentralized computing, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

  • A Roadmap For Your Data Career

    As you design your career in data, you’ve got to avoid getting stuck in your comfort zone or allowing your manager or current situation to determine your path.

  • Top 5 AI Coding Assistants You Must Try

    Discover the top AI coding assistants that can 10X your productivity overnight - #5 has the best autocomplete feature, and #1 is the most advanced code assistant tool ever seen!

  • Data Maturity: The Cornerstone of AI-Enabled Innovation

    This article outlines strategies for overcoming data maturity challenges and accelerating AI adoption.

  • The Only Free Course You Need To Become a Professional Data Engineer

    Data Engineering ZoomCamp offers free access to reading materials, video tutorials, assignments, homeworks, projects, and workshops.

  • The Top 8 Cloud Container Management Solutions of 2024

    As enterprises rapidly adopt cloud-native technologies, managing containerized applications has become crucial, so this article provides practical insights on the leading container management solutions to help organizations choose the right one for their needs.

  • Running Mixtral 8x7b On Google Colab For Free

    Learn how to run the advanced Mixtral 8x7b model on Google Colab using LLaMA C++ library, maximizing quality output with limited compute requirements.

  • Enroll in a 4-year Computer Science Degree Program For Free

    Enroll in the free OSSU Computer Science degree program and launch your career in tech today. Learn from high-quality courses from professors from leading universities like MIT, Harvard, and Princeton.

  • Evaluating Methods for Calculating Document Similarity

    The blog covers methods for representing documents as vectors and computing similarity, such as Jaccard similarity, Euclidean distance, cosine similarity, and cosine similarity with TF-IDF, along with pre-processing steps for text data, such as tokenization, lowercasing, removing punctuation, removing stop words, and lemmatization.

  • AI-Automated Cybersecurity: What to Automate?

    Soon AI will become embedded into daily business processes, including cybersecurity controls. The author explains how to assess which processes make sense to automate.

  • KDnuggets News, December 13: 5 Super Cheat Sheets to Master Data Science • Using Google’s NotebookLM for Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide

    This week on KDnuggets: A collection of super cheat sheets that covers basic concepts of data science, probability & statistics, SQL, machine learning, and deep learning • An exploration of NotebookLM, its functionality, limitations, and advanced features essential for researchers and scientists • And much, much more!

  • Evolution in ETL: How Skipping Transformation Enhances Data Management

    This article provides an overview of two new data preparation techniques that enable data democratization while minimizing transformation burdens.

  • 7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Become a Data Scientist

    Is data science really the right career option for you? Well, it depends. And that is why we put together this opinionated guide with insights from data professionals.

  • Building a GPU Machine vs. Using the GPU Cloud

    The article examines the pros and cons of building an on-premise GPU machine versus using a GPU cloud service for projects involving deep learning and artificial intelligence, analyzing factors like cost, performance, operations, and scalability.

  • How Big Data Is Saving Lives in Real Time: IoV Data Analytics Helps Prevent Accidents

    This posts talks about what needs to be taken care of in IoV data analysis, and shows the difference between a near real-time analytic platform and an actual real-time analytic platform with a real-world example.

  • 7 Essential Data Quality Checks with Pandas

    Learn how to perform data quality checks using pandas. From detecting missing records to outliers, inconsistent data entry and more.

  • An Honest Comparison of Open Source Vector Databases

    We will explore their use cases, key features, performance metrics, supported programming languages, and more to provide a comprehensive and unbiased overview of each database.

  • Novice to Ninja: Why Your Python Skills Matter in Data Science

    As a data scientist, is it worthwhile leveling up your Python skills? Dive into code comparisons across expertise levels & discover if "good enough" is really enough.

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