KDnuggets : News : 2001 : n22 : item25    (previous | next)


SPSS 11.0 available with new statistical procedures
CHICAGO, Oct. 22, 2001 - A new version of SPSS for Windows, the data
analysis software used worldwide by more than 250,000 private and public
sector organizations of all sizes for survey research, database marketing
and scientific research, is now available from SPSS Inc. (Nasdaq: SPSS).
SPSS 11.0 features new statistical procedures that deliver more accurate
analytical results, and enhanced data access and data management that enable
SPSS users to retrieve and format data faster and easier than ever before.
SPSS 11.0 is now available worldwide.

SPSS 11.0 is the first version of SPSS to offer Linear Mixed Models, which
ensures accurate predictive models when working with nested data (i.e.,
students in a classroom, consumers in a household). The flexibility of this
procedure means analysts can formulate a wide variety of models and work
with repeated measure designs, such as incomplete repeated measurements in
which the number of variables differs across subjects. For example, Linear
Mixed Models will help researchers analyze patient data over time where not
every subject has the same number of visits. This procedure is useful for
applications such as survey and market research, public health statistics
and educational research.

In addition to the enhanced statistical procedures, SPSS 11.0 also features
improvements in data management. The new Data Restructure Wizard enables
users to easily restructure data from multiple records per individual to a
single record per individual or vice versa. This is particularly useful when
working with transactional data, such as sales information, that is usually
created and stored in multiple records per individual format, but is best
analyzed in single record per individual format.

Additional new features in SPSS 11.0 include:
	�	Enhanced statistical procedures - SPSS 11.0 has enhanced
Multinomial Logistic Regression, General Linear Models, Categorical
Regression, Categorical Principal Components Analysis and One Way Analysis
of Variance procedures for more powerful analysis and greater ease of use.
	�	Expanded data access - SPSS can now access newer data
sources including Sybase 12, Informix 2000, SQLServer 2000 and SAS 8.
	�	Integration with SigmaPlot - SPSS Science's scientific
graphing software can be run within SPSS 11.0 to create vibrant, informative
	�	Better-looking output - Default output settings now produce
better-looking results, reducing the need for manual editing.
	�	Improved analytical efficiency - Users can sample data while
it is being pulled from the database, saving time and computing resources.
	�	Descriptive ratio statistics - SPSS now includes the
following ratio statistics: coefficient of dispersion, coefficient of
variation, price-related differential and average absolute deviance.
	�	Hands-on, realistic sample data - Online case studies teach
users how each statistical procedure works and how to interpret results.
Text and graphics provide a visual guide to the process.

More information about SPSS 11.0 can be found at www.spss.com/spss.

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