KDnuggets : News : 2003 : n01 : item21 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


From: Marcus Brownlow
Date: 18 Dec 2002
Subject: TiVo and User profiling gone wrong

I read this article recently and thought you might like it. It's an amusing story of how user profiling can go wrong and how mere humans try to correct a machine-derived profile of their interests.

May be something for KDNUGGETS.

Basil Iwanyk is not a neo-Nazi. Lukas Karlsson isn't a shadowy stalker. David S. Cohen is not Korean.

But all of them live with a machine that seems intent on giving them such labels. It's their TiVo, the digital videorecorder that records some programs it just assumes its owner will like, based on shows the viewer has chosen to record. A phone call the machine makes to TiVo, Inc., in San Jose, Calif., once a day provides key information. As these men learned, when TiVo thinks it has you pegged, there's just one way to change its "mind": outfox it.

Mr. Iwanyk, 32 years old, first suspected that his TiVo thought he was gay, since it inexplicably kept recording programs with gay themes. A film studio executive in Los Angeles and the self-described "straightest guy on earth," he tried to tame TiVo's gay fixation by recording war movies and other "guy stuff."

Here is the full story from Wall Street Journal.

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