KDnuggets : News : 2004 : n18 : item31 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


Textpresso, text-mining system for biological literature.

Textpresso incorporates a search engine, which enables the user to search one or a combination of tags and/or keywords within a sentence or document, and as the search criteria allows word meaning to be queried, it is possible to formulate semantic queries.

The categories are classes of biological concepts (e.g, gene, allele, cell or cell group, phenotype, etc.) and classes that relate two objects (e.g., association, regulation, etc.) or describe one (e.g., biological process, etc.). Together they form a catalogue of types of objects and concepts called an ontology.

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KDnuggets : News : 2004 : n18 : item31 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >

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