KDnuggets : News : 2007 : n05 : item34 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


Subject: Interview of Clicktrack's John Marshall

The following is the transcript of an interview of John Marshall, CEO of Clicktracks. A Netscape alumnus who is responsible for two other successful software companies, John Marshall brings 20 years of experience in the software industry to ClickTracks.

It was while running a previous company that John first understood the benefits of good quality web analytics, and yet saw the poor quality of the available tools. The experience drove John to found ClickTracks with a vision of high quality data presented clearly and visually. John now regularly speaks on the topic of web analytics and marketing.


Eric Enge: So, you mentioned before that you were targeting the mid-market with ClickTracks. Can you describe how you would classify the market overall, and how would you label those different segments?

John Marshall: There is free, mid-market, and enterprise. Those are probably the three divisions that exist. We particularly like the mid-market. Because, most websites are are mid-market customers. These are companies that will probably have less than five hundred employees, and they probably have a rather simple IT infrastructure. They are not using an Oracle data warehouse over at the data center, for example.

We particularly like that customer, because the web analytics data has such an immediate impact on what their business does. It is just like a direct feed into the bottom line of the company or the top line actually. Our products are designed for very quick implementation and a very quick understanding of reports. We very consciously try to avoid over complicating things.

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