KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:04 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:04, item 8, Tools and Services:

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Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 12:41:15 -0000
From: Andrew  N. Edmonds andy@scifi.co.uk
Subject: Fuzzy Rule induction for databases from an ActiveX control.
Web: http://www.ThinkBase.com

Science in Finance announces its new products RuleMiner and FuzzyControl.
RuleMiner is a ActiveX program that performs data-mining on databases in
Microsoft/Jet and Access format (.mdb files).  The user can graphically
select one table from the file to process and can determine if each field in
the table is ignored, used as an input, or predicted.  Predicted variables
can be any simple type including real, integer, date/time or textual.
RuleMiner will decide by the type or number of discrete values in the
training set whether a field is categorical or continuous.
RuleMiner generates first a fuzzy decision tree and then fuzzy rules in
order to predict the selected field. Where categorical textual labels are
provided in the training set, RuleMiner will use them in the rule.
RuleMiner reserves a user selectable proportion of the contents of the
database to use as a test dataset, and returns to the user, when the rule
generation process has finished, a performance score for both the training
and test data.

The induced ruleset can be extracted for reporting purposes, but also saved
in a file for use with our combined runtime and rule editor, FuzzyControl.
FuzzyControl is a Fuzzy Logic Inference Engine and editor in one ActiveX
package. It is unique in that each stage of fuzzy rule generation or editing
is constrained to a limited set of syntactically valid choices. Editing and
generating rules requires no knowledge of a language other than English and
little more than mouse clicks. There is no confusion over logical precedence
in FuzzyControl: clicking on any operator shows the dependant part of the

For more information and demonstration programs see: http://www.ThinkBase.com

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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:04 Contents :

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