KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:16 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:16, item 7, Tools/Services:

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Date: 23 Jul 1999 16:26:27 -0400
From: Tom Fawcett fawcett@Basit.COM
Subject: Data mining and Perl

Hi.  Recently, a member of the Perl community asked me about the use
of Perl in data mining.  He's considering proposing a KDD tutorial.
I use Perl extensively in our data mining work here at Bell Atlantic,
but I don't know how many other groups use it.  I've heard it mentioned
informally, but programming languages are generally regarded as
uninteresting details of data mining work and aren't discussed very much.

So I'm curious how many other people use Perl.  If you use it in any
aspect of data mining I'd like to hear from you.  Please send me an
email message with as much (or as little) information as you like.

(As for our group, we use Perl for parsing, data cleaning, experiment
control and general data transformation---everything but the induction
algorithms themselves.  It's very good for fast prototyping, and it
has an extensive module library for communicating with the Internet
and with databases.)


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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:16 Contents :

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