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From: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro gps
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 06:52:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CRISP-DM 1.0 proposal published
CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--August 21, 2000

Leveraging the knowledge of industry experts from around the world,
SPSS Inc.  (Nasdaq:SPSS), NCR (NYSE:NCR) and DaimlerChrysler announced
the completion and publication of the CRoss-Industry Standard Process
for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). Released at the KDD-2000 Conference in
Boston, MA, CRISP-DM 1.0 is a comprehensive data mining methodology
and process model that provides anyone -- from novices to data mining
experts -- with a complete blueprint for conducting a data mining
project. Offering step-by-step direction, tasks and objectives for
every stage of the data mining process, the CRISP-DM 1.0 user guide
and reference document is available to the public at no charge.

"The completion of CRISP-DM 1.0 represents a collaborative effort of
top thinkers in data mining," said Colin Shearer, vice president, Data
Mining Business Development at SPSS Inc. "Our consortium of industry
experts, with input from approximately 200 representatives from other
companies, worked together to create a standard, open and proven
approach that anyone can use as a reference in their work. CRISP-DM is
already accepted as the de facto standard for the industry and
already, many organizations are recognizing this standard as the
opportunity to increase the success of ROI."

The CRISP-DM model makes large data mining projects faster, more
efficient and less costly by enabling users to take advantage of an
already-proven process. The model helps people avoid common mistakes
and provides a head start in

-   Assessing business issues and articulating data mining methods
    to solve them

-   Capturing and understanding data

-   Identifying and solving problems within the data

-   Applying data mining techniques

-   Interpreting data mining results within the business context

-   Deploying and maintaining data mining results

-   Capturing and transferring expertise to ensure future projects
    benefit from experience

SPSS Inc. joined NCR, DaimlerChrysler and Dutch insurer OHRA to
create this model in January 1999, after acquiring consortium member
Integral Solutions Limited (ISL). Since its beginnings in 1997, the
CRISP-DM Special Interest Group (SIG) has also followed and supported
the consortium's work on the model. The SIG has more than 200 members
worldwide and includes large-scale data mining users from a wide span
of commercial industries, as well as data mining software and service
suppliers including IBM, SAS Institute and all Big 5 consulting firms.
The broad range of experience involved ensures that the CRISP-DM model
applies to businesses in any data mining application -- including
fraud detection, credit risk, customer retention and churn analysis.
SPSS Inc. uses CRISP-DM in delivering the professional services
portion of its analytical solutions, including CustomerCentric, the
company's flagship analytical customer relationship management
solution. Many of NCR's Data Mining Laboratories, especially those in
Europe, are using CRISP-DM to structure and define the data mining
services that are given to customers and NCR's latest data mining
solutions are written using CRISP-DM. ProofPlus, one of NCR's
latest solutions for predicting churn, is based upon the CRISP-DM
phase and task structure.

Data mining plays a part in the success of many of today's
businesses by helping to identify the hidden patterns in customer data
that can improve customer relations, increase revenues and reduce
costs. Once discovered, this knowledge enables companies to leverage
their information and experience to make more accurate predictions and
better decisions.

The CRISP-DM initiative was partially funded by the European
Commission, whose membership includes SPSS, NCR and DaimlerChrysler.


Visit www.crisp-dm.org to download a PDF file of the CRISP-DM
document, incorporating the complete CRISP-DM 1.0 Reference Model and
User Guide, free of charge.

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