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From: Roberto Bayardo/Almaden/IBM bayardo@almaden.ibm.com
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:05:05 -0700
Subject: Software: dense-miner from IBM Research
One useful way of analyzing minority classes is to use a rule miner which
accepts a consequent constraint (In this case, the consequent constraint
would be the minority class identifier).  This won't build a classifier for
you, but it will build a useful descriptive model (which can then be turned
into a predictive model with other techniques).

I have put the "dense-miner" algorithm on-line, which allows you to do just
this. If you can make your data-set HTTP accessible, you can try it out.

Here are a few things to note:

o This publically accessible version has several restrictions. For example,
it will only attempt data-sets of size 10 MBytes or less.

o Works only with categorical attributes (so continuous attributes must be

Instructions are available at:


Roberto Bayardo

KDnuggets : News : 2000 : n18 : item11    (previous | next)

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