KDnuggets : News : 2005 : n09 : item3 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


From: Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro
Date: 27 Apr 2005
Subject: Limerick and Haiku contest on Data Mining Topics

Ross Bettinger proposed a limerick contest. The first line must be "There once was a data miner". Ross' submission:

There once was a data miner
Who claimed, "I'm a Forty-Niner."
His main obsession
Was logistic regression
But neural networks predicted finer.

I also suggest a data mining haiku contest.

Traditional Japanese haiku consist of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, respectively. However, considering the average level of poetic talent of data miners I know (myself included), the rules are relaxed here. Data mining haiku should still have 3 lines, but we allow a "standard deviation" of 2 syllables in each line length (i.e. lines can be 3-7, 5-9, and 3-7 syllables, respectively).

Here is an "acceptable" example with 4, 6, and 5 syllables in each line.

So much data
And so little knowledge
Keyboard waiting

Please email poetic submissions to editor at kdnuggets.com and specify whether your name should be published or remain anonymous.

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