KDnuggets : News : 2005 : n14 : item16 < PREVIOUS | NEXT >


Subject: USA Today Interview with Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO

Jul 6, 2005.

This week marks Amazon.com's 10th anniversary. Profit was down in the first quarter, and the stock price, after soaring to $60 a share last year, has slipped to a plateau of about half that. USA TODAY's Byron Acohido asked company founder and CEO Jeff Bezos about competing more directly against Google and Microsoft, impatient shareholders and what's ahead for e-commerce.

... Q: You're 10 years into this; what's your biggest surprise about how e-commerce has evolved?

A: It has gotten so much bigger, so much faster than I predicted 10 years ago - e-commerce has, and Amazon has. We didn't expect to build a company of this size 10 years ago.

Q: Why did it happen?

A: I think technology advanced faster than anticipated. In that whirlwind, a lot of companies didn't survive. The reason we have done well is because, even in that whirlwind, we kept heads-down focused on the customers. All the metrics that we can track about customers have improved every year. ...

Here is the rest of the interview.

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