KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:02 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:02, item 3, Publications:

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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:10:36 -0500
From: Maria Zemankova mzemanko@nsf.gov
Subject: NSF Biocomplexity: due dates 3/15 preproposals; 6/15 proposals
Web: http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/getpub?nsf9960

The following document (nsf9960) is now available from the NSF Online
Document System

   Title: Biocomplexity: Phase I Research on the Functional
          Interrelationships Between Microorganisms and Biological,
          Chemical, Geological, Physical, and Social Systems
    Type: Program Announcements & Information
 Subtype: Biology, Computer/Information Sciences, Crosscutting
          Programs, Engineering, Geosciences, Math/Physical
          Sciences, NSF-wide, Polar Programs

It may be found at:


          	FULL PROPOSALS JUNE 15,1999

NOTE to the Information and Data Management community:

You are encouraged to form partnerships with the domain scientists to
address the Biocomplexity goals, while advancing the research in
biocomplexity databases (e.g., DNA, GIS/temporal-spatial, multi-media,
complex structures, etc.), information-based environments for knowledge
discovery (including data mining, information visualization, process
management, information/knowledge life cycle, etc.), collaborative,
distributed (wireless/mobile) information systems, very large databases,
information management, long-term information archives, etc.

Sorry if you receive this message more than once, and thanks for forwarding
it to potentially interested researchers.

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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:02 Contents :

Copyright © 1999 KDnuggets