KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:14 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:14, item 15, Courses:

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Date: Sun, 04 Jul 1999 11:51:37 +0100
From: John Shade js@gdl.co.uk
Subject: Data Mining with Decision Trees, London 8-10 September, 1999

Data Mining with Decision Trees- an Introduction to CART, by Dan Steinberg,
          9am-5pm, 8-9 September ( #540 )

     A popular two-day seminar for business users and data analysts
     who are interested in understanding decision-tree technology -
     what it is, why it works, how it has been used, and how it can
     help you better understand your data.

     Day 1, learn about:

          decision tree fundamentals
          decision tree applications
          how to build and interpret CART trees
          how to use advanced options - alternative splitting rules,
	  prior probabilities, differential
          costs of misclassification - to construct more robust
	  predictive models

     Day 2: put what you have learned to the test on your own data
     during a hands-on CART session

Data Mining with Decision Trees - Advanced CART� Techniques
          9am-5pm, 10 September, ( #660 )

     Sharpen your decision-tree expertise during this one-day advanced
     course for analysts with prior knowledge of tree
     algorithms. Using case studies, seminar topics include:

          hybridising decision trees with logistic regression and neural nets
          combining multiple trees via bagging, boosting, repeated
		    sampling and varying priors
          understanding the strategy behind alternative splitting
			rules and their strengths and weaknesses
          how CART implements variable costs of missclassification -
	      separating growing with costs from pruning with costs
          emerging topics in decision trees - highlights of recent

For more information, see http://www.gdl.co.uk/Septembe.htm#8sept

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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:14 Contents :

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