KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:14 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:14, item 3, News:

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Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 11:34:13 -0400
From: iparsa@epsilon.com Ismail Parsa
Subject: KDD-99 Last Call for Exhibits -

|                                                                    |
|                  KDD-99 LAST CALL FOR EXHIBITS                     |
|                                                                    |
|       KDD-99: The ACM SIGKDD Fifth International Conference        |
|               on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining               |
|                                                                    |
|               August 15-18, 1999, San Diego, CA, USA               |
|               Exhibits Dates: August 16-17, 1999                   |
| http://research.microsoft.com/datamine/kdd99/ |
|                                                                    |
|                           Sponsored by:                            |
|         Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) - SIGKDD         |
|                                                                    |
|                          Co-sponsored by:                          |
|                  AAAI, ACM SIGMOD, and ACM SIGART                  |
|                                                                    |

The Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD-99) is the premiere event for the data mining community
bringing together KDD professionals from all over world. KDD has
enjoyed steadily growing rates of attendance, both from the academia
and the industry. This year we are expecting 850+ attendees to the
conference. On average, 40 percent of the attendees tend to be
affiliated with the academia while 60 percent tend to be affiliated
with the industry. A critical component of this growth has been the
field's ability to turn the ideas crossing the field into practical
applications. In fact, to emphasize the importance of practical
applications and to further boost the participation from the industry,
we are instituting a brand new track: the Industrial Track. For more
information about the conference, please visit the URL listed above.

The exhibits are a crucial part of KDD, as the field is driven by
applications. Initially started as a half-day long display of research
prototypes, the KDD exhibits quickly evolved into an industry event
eagerly sought by the practitioners, researchers and the vendors in
the field. The KDD-98 Exhibits were a success with the participation
of 39 Exhibitors (26 commercial product exhibits and 13 research

|                Select List of KDD-98 Exhibitors                    |
| Vendor                        | Tool                               |
| Azmy Thinkware                | SuperQuery                         |
| Compression Sciences          | K-Wiz                              |
| Data Description              | DataDesk                           |
| Data Mining Technologies      | Nuggets                            |
| Interleap                     | Interleap                          |
| ISL Decision Systems          | Clementine                         |
| Isoft                         | Alice                              |
| Megaputer Intelligence        | PolyAnalyst                        |
| Salford Systems               | CART, MARS                         |
| SAS                           | EnterpriseMiner                    |
| Sentient Machine Research     | DataDetective                      |
| Silicon Graphics              | MineSet                            |
| SPSS                          | AnswerTree, NeuralConnection       |
| SRA International             | KDD Explorer                       |
| Tektonic Software             | InfoCharger                        |
| Thinking Machines             | Darwin                             |
| Ultimode Systems              | ACPro                              |
| Unica Technologies            | PRW, Model1                        |
| Urban Science                 | GainSmarts                         |
| WizSoft                       | WizRule, WizWhy                    |

This year, we are implementing a flexible fee structure for the
exhibits so that the exhibitors in need of larger exhibits space would
be able to get it. Accordingly, the space equivalent of a single 6
foot table top will cost $500, double space for $750, triple space for
$1,000, etc. As usual, in this space, exhibitors will be allowed to
distribute product/service/company literature, display product/service
demonstrations and set up signage. Exhibitors are responsible for
bringing all hardware and software required for their demonstrations.

Please e-mail a 200 word (maximum) description of your product(s) to


along with your space requirement if you choose to participate.

We welcome designated and undesignated donations to the conference as
well. If you are interested in becoming a KDD Sponsor, please send an
email to samy@iss.gm.com

| Important Dates                                                    |

The conference will be held in San Diego between August 15-18, 1999.
The exhibits area will be open during the following dates/hours:

     August 16: 12:00-6:00 PM
     August 17: 10:00-6:00 PM.

For more regarding the conference hotel, please visit the official
conference site or http://www.marriotthotels.com/sanmv/

Looking forward to see you in San Diego this summer.

Warm regards,


Ismail Parsa
SIG-KDD Exhibits Chair
50 Cambridge Street
Burlington MA 01803 USA

E-MAIL: iparsa@epsilon.com
V-MAIL: (781) 685-6734
FAX:    (781) 685-0806

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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:14 Contents :

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