KDnuggets Home » Polls » Text analytics / text mining use the past 12 months? (Feb 2014)

How much did you use text analytics / text mining in the past 12 months?

2014 poll results
2011 poll results
Here are the results compared with KDnuggets 2011 Poll on Text Analytics Use.

How much did you use text analytics / text mining in the past 12 months?
[187 votes total]

Did not use (63)  33.7%
Used on < 10% of my projects (46)  24.6%
Used on 10-25% of my projects (26)  13.9%
Used on 26-50% of my projects (16)  8.6%
Used on over 50% of my projects (36)  19.3%


Randy, survey results beyond KDNuggets newsletter readers
I'd like to suggest to KDNuggets that when you conduct surveys of your readership it would be very beneficial to have such survey results beyond your readership and a comparison of readership results vs. non-readership. I'm concerned that your results are or could very well be biased and it would give more confidence in the results if the surveys were conducted beyond but I understand that it would cost more to do such so on key areas of interest, would KDNuggets be open to such survey sampling and add to the confidence of the results?

Gregory Piatetsky, Editor I would love to conduct surveys outside of KDnuggets readers, but I would need partners who would help do it and pay for it.

KDnuggets Home » Polls » Text analytics / text mining use the past 12 months? (Feb 2014)