KDD Nuggets Index for 1995

To KD Mine: main site for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Nuggets 95:1, 95-01-16, Nuggets 95:2, 95-01-30, Nuggets 95:3, 95-02-10
Nuggets 95:4, 95-02-17, Nuggets 95:5, 95-02-27, Nuggets 95:6, 95-03-16
Nuggets 95:7, 95-03-25, Nuggets 95:8, 95-04-01, Nuggets 95:9, 95-04-21
Nuggets 95:10, 95-05-05, Nuggets 95:11, 95-05-23, Nuggets 95:12, 95-05-30
Nuggets 95:13, 95-06-09, Nuggets 95:14, 95-06-21, Nuggets 95:15, 95-06-29
Nuggets 95:16, 95-07-07, Nuggets 95:17, 95-07-28, Nuggets 95:18, 95-08-04
Nuggets 95:19, 95-08-15, Nuggets 95:20, 95-08-25, Nuggets 95:21, 95-09-05
Nuggets 95:22, 95-09-11, Nuggets 95:23, 95-09-22, Nuggets 95:24, 95-09-29
Nuggets 95:25, 95-10-06, Nuggets 95:26, 95-10-20, Nuggets 95:27, 95-10-27
Nuggets 95:28, 95-11-03, Nuggets 95:29, 95-11-10, Nuggets 95:30, 95-11-22
Nuggets 95:31, 95-12-03, Nuggets 95:32, 95-12-15, Nuggets 95:33, 95-12-21
KDD Nuggets 95:1, e-mailed 95-01-16
* GPS, home page for KDD-95 conf: http://info.gte.com/~kdd/kdd95.html and KDD-95 logo contest reminder.
* GPS, Kamran Parsaye on Large Scale Data Mining in Parallel
--- CFPs ---
* Y. Yao, CSC'95 Workshop on Rough Sets and Data Mining
* Paul.Vitanyi, 2nd European Conf. on Computational Learning Theory
* G Cheng, CFP: IDA-95: International Symp on Intelligent Data Analysis

KDD Nuggets 95:2, e-mailed 95-01-30
* GPS, update on KDD-95 conference
* Winton Davies, on Software Agents for Mining Databases
* G. Hebrail, Statistical analysis of textual data, 2 abstracts
* D. Jensen, Statistical Evaluation of Classifiers
--- CFPs ---
* P. Ozturk, Int. Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 1995 (ICCBR-95)
* B. Julien, IJCAI-95 W'shop on ML in Engineering, 2nd CFP

KDD Nuggets 95:3, e-mailed 95-02-10
* GPS, KDD-95 conference -- 3 weeks till paper submission deadline!
* GPS, Database Mining (tm) is trademarked by HNC
* E. Irani, Classifier evaluation -- Ph.D. abstract
* T. Finin, faculty position related to KDD
* D. O'Leary, IEEE CAIA 1995 -- Conference Preview
* B. Wuthrich, new report on Knowledge Discovery in Databases

KDD Nuggets 95:4, e-mailed 95-02-17
* U. Fayyad, KDD-95 conference -- Final Reminder
* D. Fisher, Clustering tech report
* GPS, J. of Intelligent Information Systems, KDD spec. issue is out
* R. Rymon, SE-learn -- SE-tree-based learning package
* J. J Cannat, New Data Mining Tool AC2
* D. Aha, slides for ML tutorial at AI & Stats 1995

KDD Nuggets 95:5, e-mailed 95-02-27
* E. Simoudis, home for Recon: http://hitchhiker.space.lockheed.com/~recon/
* W. Kovach, WWW page for statistical software, http://www.compulink.co.uk/kovcomp
* R. Musick, Ph. D. thesis abstract: Belief Network Induction
* A. Sharma, Announcement of Post-Doctoral Position
* GPS, what is new in Knowledge Discovery Mine
* D. Jensen, ERRATA: Statistical Evaluation of Classifiers
--- CFPs ---
* TDWI: Data Warehousing Institute Annual Conference (DW'95)
* K. Ong, Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge Discovery with Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (KDOOD)

KDD Nuggets 95:6, e-mailed 95-03-16
* R. Uthurusamy, KDD-95 update -- over 130 papers received!
* AAAI, reminder -- KDD-94 proceedings available from AAAI Press.
* GPS, Greatest Pattern Search Ever!
* S. Hirtle, CSNA Newsletter at http://www.pitt.edu/~hirtle/csna.html
--- Job Ads ---
* Vic Rayward-Smith, Res. Assistant position, U. of East Anglia
* Bing Liu, Res. Assistant position, National University of Singapore
--- CFPs ---
* W. Kloesgen, New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS-95)
* Xiaohui Liu, ADT-95, London, April 3-5 1995

KDD Nuggets 95:7, e-mailed 95-03-25
* D. Aha, A list of ML folks' home pages
* A. Levy, PODS-95 program and paper abstracts on-line
* Y. Kodratoff, MLnet workshop on Industrial Applications of ML
* W. Van de Velde, European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (EKAW'94)
--- Questions:
* T. Clark, Programs to match similar records
* R. Dybowski, GA visualisation
--- Job ads:
* R. Agrawal, Positions in the IBM Almaden
* CFPs: Calls for Papers and Participation:
* Z. Obradovic, New journal: Multiple-Valued-Logic and Soft Computing
* R. Zicari, Object Application Awards Program Invites Entries
* P. Ozturk, ICCBR-95, final CfP

KDD Nuggets 95:8, e-mailed 95-04-01
* Replies to Tim Clark Query on Matching Records:
* L. Breiman, Matching Records
* S. Stolfo, Matching Records: Merge/Purge Tool Soon Available
* A. Ketterlin, Analyzing Foster Childrens' Home Payments Database
* S. Rondeau, An algorithm for matching similar records
* Publications:
* D. Heckerman, CACM special issue on Bayesian networks
* G. Grandbase du Donnee, Knowledge Burial in Databases: An Underview
* Question:
* A. Pang, Data mining in retail sector ?
* CFPs: Calls for Papers and Participation:
* D. Georgakopoulos, ICDE-96, Int. Conf. on Data Engineering

KDD Nuggets 95:9, e-mailed 95-04-21
* S. Hirtle, CSNA WWW pages moved to http://www.pitt.edu/~csna/
* G. Melli, Announce - Synthetic Classification Data Sets program Siftware:
* R. Almond, Software for Belief Networks Page http://bayes.stat.washington.edu/almond/belief.html
* R. Segal, Brute -- a system for induction of conjunctive rules
* GPS, Siftware: SAS homepage at http://www.sas.com/
WinViz homepage http://www.iti.gov.sg/factsheet/ia/winviz.html
* W. Taylor, Classes from Data! Autoclass C is here! CFPs: Calls for Papers and Participation:
* H. Blockeel, ILP95 - final CFP

KDD Nuggets 95:10, e-mailed 95-05-05
* R. Uthurusamy, list of accepted papers for KDD-95
* P. Smyth, new KDD-95 page http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd95
* GPS, Useful backprop articles
* A. Chatterjee, Siftware: Parallel Visual Explorer (PVE) http://www.ibm.com/News/950203/pve-01.html
* A. Mueller, Question: Retail Data sets ?
* I Flockhart, Question: significance levels for patterns ?

KDD Nuggets 95:11, e-mailed 95-05-23
* T. Sellis, Warning: Plagiarism case
* K. Ong, CFP: Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge Discovery with Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases (KDOOD) http://www.cs.concordia.ca/kdood.html
* G. Williams, CFP: Australian AI'95 http://walrus.adfa.oz.au/ai95/ai95.html
* J. Elder, Short Course on Computer-Aided Pattern Discovery
* M. Feldens, Question: Fraud detection systems ?
* GPS, Neural networks FAQ at wwwipd.ira.uka.de/~prechelt/FAQ/neural-net-faq.html

KDD Nuggets 95:12, e-mailed 95-05-30
* G. Helscher, EMCSR'96 Program -- includes KDD Symposium http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/emcsr/
* Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-95): Call for Participation http://web.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/CS/Research/IDA/cfp.html
* GPS, New mailing list INDUCTIVE
* A. Geppert, VLDB program at http://www.ifi.unizh.ch/groups/dbtg/vldb95/vldb95.html
* R. Valdes-Perez, AAAI-95 Symposium on Discovery notes available
* GPS, what is new at KD Mine http://info.gte.com/~kdd/what-is-new.html

KDD Nuggets 95:13, e-mailed 95-06-09
* P. Smyth, KDD-95 call for participation -- reminder
KDD successes recognized:
* M. Baudin, Cassiopee wins innovation prize at XPS '95
* U. Fayyad, SKICAT Makes New Discoveries in Astronomy
* GPS, Key Findings Reporter wins GTE's highest technical award
* GPS, ComputerWorld: Customer 'data mining' pays off
* B. Julien, IJCAI-95 wrk on ML in Engineering - Call for Participation http://www.crim.ca:80/Domaines_Services/GSBC/index-english.html
* M. Bramer, Research Studentship in Machine Learning/AI
* I Flockhart, Re: Significance levels for patterns
* EBRSC, Workshop on Rough Set Theory (RST'95), CFP

KDD Nuggets 95:14, e-mailed 95-06-21
* Dante Assoc, full-time positions in Data Mining/Software Eng./AI
* GPS, WWW Database Article Archive, http://www.lpac.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/Articles/DBArchive.html
* B. Porter, White Cross Parallel Database Software http://info.gte.com/~kdd/wcross.html
* D. Sirey, Data Mining and Visualization positions -- Silicon Valley
* Y. Kodratoff, Symposium on KDD at EMCSR'96 http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/emcsr/
* T. Catarci, CFP: AVI'96 - Advanced Visual Interfaces http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/AVI96/info.html

KDD Nuggets 95:15, e-mailed 95-06-29
* R. Uthurusamy, KDD-95 final program -- see also http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd95
* GPS, IEEE Expert Mini-symposium: KDD vs Privacy
* Y. Reich, ECOBWEB: a public domain clustering tool http://or.eng.tau.ac.il:7777/topics/ecobweb.html
* R. Quinlan, New Releases of C4.5 and FOIL, ftp://ftp.cs.su.oz.au/pub/ml/patch.tar.Z
* H. Roberts, Communications Week on Data Mining
* S. Tafolla, Peter Clark's Machine Learning Software, http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/pclark/software.html

KDD Nuggets 95:16, e-mailed 95-07-07
* Cen Li, new KDD related page http://www.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/~biswas/ResearchPages/kdd.html
* W. Sarle, How are neural networks related to statistical methods?
* GPS, useful pointers about Montreal, http://www.showboat.com/showboat/montreal.htm
* R. Kohavi, MLC++ Utilities 1.2, http://robotics.stanford.edu:/users/ronnyk/mlc.html
* M. Pazzani, Postdoc at UC Irvine
* R. Tucker, Renascence Partners -- http://www.rpl.com/
* S. Dixon, Data Mining related jobs at SmithKline Beecham

KDD Nuggets 95:17, e-mailed 95-07-28
* W. Ziarko, Special Issue of Computational Intelligence
* D. Silver, Data Transformation Tools -- Summary
* C. Sturrock, Random vs. network-selected sample partitioning
* P. Smyth, NASA data sets at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov
* M. Bramer, Research Fellowships in KBS/Machine Learning http://www.sis.port.ac.uk/FELLOWSHIP.HTML
* GPS, ComputerWorld: Sears Mines Data with multidimensional tools
* GPS, New Siftware in KD Mine http://info.gte.com/~kdd/what-is-new.html

KDD Nuggets 95:18, e-mailed 95-08-04
* GPS, forthcoming BYTE story on Data Mining (Oct 95 ?)
* GPS, KD Mine usage Stats (accessed from 42 countries ...)
* GPS, ComputerWorld 95/07/10 on Data Mining at Bank of America
* U. Fayyad, KDD tutorial home page http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd95/tutorials/IJCAI95-tutorial.html
* W. Buntine, Web sources on Bayesian/Probabilistic networks
* A. Gupta, IBM Almaden Data Mining site http://www-i.almaden.ibm.com/cs/quest/index.html

KDD Nuggets 95:19, e-mailed 95-08-15
* P. Smyth, Late-breaking information for KDD95
* D. Snocken, Amendment to S*i*ftware entry for NETMAP
* J. Zytkow, Special issue on AUTOMATED DISCOVERY

KDD Nuggets 95:20, e-mailed 95-08-25
* GPS, KDD-95 conference: A great success
* R. Ravula, Query: KDD in Transportation Industry?
* R. Hauser, Net Research Tool, http://www.infohaus.com/access/by-seller/Agent_Knowledgebase_Associates_Inc
* R. Hauser, KD Mine featured in NetWatch, http://www.pulver.com/netwatch/topten/topten.htm
* S. Schaal, Paper on incremental local learning, http://www.hip.atr.co.jp/~sschaal/pub/publications.html
* S. Salzberg, Paper on Comparing Classifiers, http://www.cs.jhu.edu/salzberg/home.html
Job Ad:
* Cavill, UK: seek graduate student for NN / Data Mining (KDD) project

KDD Nuggets 95:21, e-mailed 95-09-05
* KDD-95, KDD-95 Proceedings available from AAAI Press http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Press/Catalog/uthurusamy.html
* GPS, Montreal Gazette on KDD-95
* X. Wu, Opinion: Expert Systems and KDD
* A. Freitas, Parallel KDD Technical Report
* T. Hu, Ph.d thesis: KDD: An Attribute-Oriented Rough Set Approach
Job Ad: * S. Troccolo, US-CA-Palo Alto-AI jobs/Data mining/programming
* E. Rigdon, Session on Data Mining at Fall 1996 INFORMS, Nov 96
* C. Kadie, Predicting Learning Curves (Ph.D. thesis, online)
* D. Martin, IBM's data mining home page: http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cgi-bin/stss/get/data-mining/

KDD Nuggets 95:22, e-mailed 95-09-11
* GPS, IEEE Expert, Aug 1995, article on Data-Mining the Cosmos at JPL
* D. Grube, Opinion: re Nuggets 95:21, "Expert Systems and KDD"
* GPS, Test Datasets for Data Mining http://info.gte.com/~kdd/datasets.html
* Radford Neal, Software for Bayesian Learning For Neural Networks http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~radford
* GPS, European Privacy Laws Strengthened
* E. Rigdon, CFP: Advanced Research Techniques Forum
* B. Prior, HPCwire: Data Mining and Forecasting at J.P. MORGAN
* M. Kamath, Web Site to Search Database Bibliographies http://www-ccs.cs.umass.edu/db/bib-search.html

KDD Nuggets 95:23, e-mailed 95-09-22
* GPS, Oct 95 BYTE "STATE of the ART" section on Data Mining
* P. Turney, Proceedings of IJCAI-95 wrkshop on Data Engineering for Inductive Learning, http://ai.iit.nrc.ca/DEIL/
* B. Prior, HPCwire: Price Waterhouse Releases Data Mining Software
* D. Conklin, Ph.D. abstract: KD in Molecular Structure Databases
* C. Bergman, Positions in IBM Data Mining Group
* J. Gama, STATLOG project pointer for Netscape http://www.up.pt/liacc/ML/statlog/index.html
* N. Mameded, FINAL PROGRAM: EPIA'95, Madeira, Portugal, Oct 3-6
* Z. Ras, CFP: ISMIS'96 reminder, papers due Oct 15, 1995 http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/konferencje/ismis96/

KDD Nuggets 95:24, e-mailed 95-09-29
* GPS, KDD-96 Conference update
* J. Han, CFP: SIGMOD'96 DMKD workshop on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/conf/dmkd96.html
* H Zhu, 3 TechReports on Measuring Generalisation
* Leo Breiman, Work on Parallelizing CART ?
* E. Andre, ECAI-96: Call for Workshop Proposals, http://www.dfki.uni-sb.de/ecai96/call-for-workshops.html
* D. Shasha, Book: Lives and Discoveries of Great Computer Scientists, http://cs.nyu.edu/cs/faculty/shasha/outofmind.html
* K. Ong, Integration of KDD with Deductive and OO Databases (KDOOD-95) workshop program, http://www.cs.concordia.ca/program.html

KDD Nuggets 95:25, e-mailed 95-10-06
* P. Smyth, KDD-96 Call for Papers, http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd96
* M. Zemankova, US Acad. researchers - NSF DBES CAREER $$$ Guidelines, proposal deadline Oct 17, 1995
* M. Manago, AcknoSoft -- Data mining finalist for European award
* GPS, Kluwer ML Journal and more at http://mlis.www.wkap.nl/mach/
* M. Jain, Query: data mining using neural networks ?
* Bramer, Expert Systems 95 (UK) Information and Registration Form
* R. Musick, CFP: First IEEE Metadata Conference, Maryland, April 96

KDD Nuggets 95:26, e-mailed 95-10-20
* GPS, New book: Elements of Machine Learning by Pat Langley http://Market.NET/literary/mkp/pages/3018/index.html
* Jeffrey C. Schlimmer, ICML-96: Final Call for Papers http://www.di.unito.it/pub/WWW/ICML96/main.html
* J. Han, IEEE TKDE Special Issue on Data Mining
* G. Melli, Synthetic Classification Data Sets (SCDS) program, http://fas.sfu.ca/cs/people/GradStudents/melli/SCDS

KDD Nuggets 95:27, e-mailed 95-10-27
* U. Fayyad, KDD-96 dates change: August 2-4, 1996 http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/kdd96
* M. Pazzani, Graduate Fellowships at UCI, http://www.ics.uci.edu/~gcounsel/applicantfaq.html
* R. Kohavi, PhD Dissertation: Wrappers for Performance Enhancement, http://robotics.stanford.edu/~ronnyk
* B. Jueneman, ABA Digital Signature Guidelines released http://www.intermarket.com/ecl
* E. Horvitz, CFP: UAI-96, Portland, Oregon, Aug 1-3 http://cuai-96.microsoft.com/
* W. Ziarko, CFP: Data Mining and Rough Sets session at CESA-96, July 9-12, 1996, Lille, France
* R. Uthurusamy, Data Mining Talks at CIKM, Nov 29-Dec 2, 1995
* R. Golan, CFP: Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering, CIFEr-96, http://www.ieee.org/nnc/conferences/cfp/cifer96.html

KDD Nuggets 95:28, e-mailed 95-11-03
* M. Holsheimer, Data Distilleries Company, http://www.ddi.nl
* GPS, Intelligent Agents in Netscape
* A. Tuzhilin, CFP: Special Issue of DSS on Knowledge Discovery
* J. Betak, DOS Port of AutoClass C Bayesian Classifier version 2.7
* Zighed, Machine learning program for PC/Windows
* J. Talavera, IPMU'96: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, Granada, Spain, July 1-5, 1996, http://pirata.ugr.es/ipmu96.html

KDD Nuggets 95:29, e-mailed 95-11-10
* GPS, Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery -- forthcoming!
* K. Thearling, Pilot Software announces data mining initiative, http://www.pilotsw.com
* M. Mollo, query: filtering personal information ?
* S. Murthy, PhD thesis: On Growing Better Decision Trees from Data, http://www.cs.jhu.edu/grad/murthy
* J. Catlett, Ph.D. thesis: Megainduction: machine learning on very large databases, (1991) online at http://www.research.att.com/orgs/ssr/people/catlett/phd.html
* C. Djeraba, CS position at IRESTE, Nantes, France
* I. Haimowitz, GE job opportunities in data mining / warehousing
* P. Smyth, AISTATS-97: Preliminary Announcement, http://www.stat.washington.edu/aistats97/
* GPS, Rule-Extraction from Neural Networks at AISB-96

KDD Nuggets 95:30, e-mailed 95-11-22
* GPS, Nov 95 WIRED and Nov 20 ComputerWorld on Data Mining
* J. Boykin, Proposed legislation on NII Copyright Law
* A. Oudshoff, Query: Data mining methodology ?
* D. Rosen, Paper on "How Good Were Those Probability Predictions?" http://www.scs.unr.edu/~cbmr/people/rosen/erl/
* M. Bramer, Computer Science Professor at U. of Portsmouth, UK, http://www.sis.port.ac.uk/
* M. Bramer, Expert Systems 95, Cambridge, UK, Dec 11-13 1995
* M. Klusch, CFP: CIA-97: Cooperative Information Agents, http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mkl/cia97.html

KDD Nuggets 95:31, e-mailed 95-12-03
* GPS, Langley and Simon in Nov 95 Comm of ACM on Applications of ML
* IDIS, Information Discovery, Inc Home page http://www.datamining.com/
* GPS, IBM white paper on Data Mining http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr/bookmgr.cmd/BOOKS/datamine/
* J. Betak, OC1 and PEBLS decision tree software for DOS, ftp://ftp.gmd.de/ml-archive/software.html
* L. Huan, Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD97), Singapore, February 1997, http://www.iscs.nus.sg/conferences/pakdd97.html
* J. Wnek, CFP: Multistrategy Learning Workshop MSL'96, May 23-25, 1996, West Virginia, http://www.mli.gmu.edu/msl96.html

KDD Nuggets 95:32, e-mailed 95-12-15
* GPS, KDD-96 Best Paper awards announcement
* Ed Colet, Data mining and Advanced Scout in the press...
* G. John, IBM Data Mining pointers http://booksrv2.raleigh.ibm.com/cgi-bin/bookmgr/bookmgr.cmd/BOOKS/datamine/ http://www.almaden.ibm.com/cgi-bin/stss/get/data-mining/
* W. Buntine, important address change for Wray Buntine
* V. Kamp, Question: KDD for FORECASTING-Systems?
* T. Rauber, TOOLDIAG 2.0: Pattern Recognition toolbox available http://www.uninova.pt/~tr/home/tooldiag.html
* Ed Colet, Part-time positions working with IBM and NBA
* J. Valentine, Data Mining seminar, London, 25-26 April 1995 http://www.demon.co.uk/unicom
* N. Zagoruiko, INPRIM-96 Congress, Novosibirsk, Russia, June 1996, section on Discovery

KDD Nuggets 95:33, e-mailed 95-12-21
* GPS, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery journal CFP: http://www.research.microsoft.com/research/datamine/
* GPS, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining book can be ordered from
MIT Press at http://aaai.org/Publications/Press/Catalog/fayyad.html
* S. Minton, JAIR article on "Rule-based Machine Learning Methods for Functional Prediction", http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/jair/home.html
* R. St Amant, Job opportunity, large data sets, data mining
* P. Chan, CFP: AAAI-96 Workshop on Integrating Multiple Learned Models http://www.cs.fit.edu/~imlm/
* A. Sharma, CFP: ALT'96, Algorithmic Learning Theory, Australia, Oct 1996, http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~alt96/

Back to Knowledge Discovery Mine