KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:01 Contents :

KDnuggets 99:01, item 3, News:

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Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 14:21:39 -0500
From: Maria Zemankova mzemanko@nsf.gov
Subject: NSF Plant Genome Venture Funding Opportunity

To:	 Information and Data Management (IDM) Program
	 current and prospective Principal Investigators+

[+ Sorry if you receive this message several times, but in order to cover
the space of prospective proposers, I am using all lists relevant to the
IDM research community.]

The Plant Genome Venture Fund (PGVF) was established last year by Dr. Mary
Clutter, AD/BIO, to support proposals that should contribute significantly
to the objectives of the Plant Genome Research Program but were submitted
to other programs within the Foundation.  The fund is being continued this
year as part of the second year of support for the Plant Genome Research

Overall Goals of the Plant Genome Research Program:

The overall goals of the NSF Plant Genome Research Program are to support
research on the structure, organization and function of plant genomes and
to accelerate the acquisition and utilization of new knowledge and
innovative approaches to elucidate fundamental biological processes in
plants.  Continued research in plant genomics is needed to facilitate the
development of improved plants of economic importance, the design of novel
plant products, and the elucidation of cellular processes common to all
multicellular organisms. A full description of goals and of relevant
scientific activities appears in the Plan Genome Research Program
Announcement, NSF99-13 http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/getpub?nsf9913.

Invitation to submit proposals# or supplements## to existing awards:

The Information and Data Management (IDM) Program research community is in
a very good position to contribute significantly to the objectives of the
Plant Genome Research Program, in particular in the following areas
(extracted from the full list below):

* 	Computational or mathematical tools for integrating and
        analyzing complex plant genomic data
 	[e.g., data mining, information integration, summarization]

*  	Development of shared resources (e.g., databases, multi-user
        facilities) for plant genomics research
	[e.g., interoperable databases, warehouses, digital libraries,
	knowledge discovery/sharing environments, support of collaborative,
	inter-disciplinary research, ...]

*     	Increased public awareness/education in plant genome research
	[e.g., via development of information resources, educational
	material, on-line FAQs, ...]

*    	Other (explain in relation to the overall Program goals).

There are two DEADLINES for submitting the Plant Genome Project Descriptions:
	January 7, 1999
	May 20, 1999

[edited GPS]

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KDnuggets : Newsletter : 1999 Issues : 99:01 Contents :

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