KDnuggets Home » Polls » Data mining techniques (Nov 2003)

Data Mining Techniques

What data mining techniques you use regularly? [768 choices from 213 voters]

Decision Trees/Rules (120) 16%
Clustering (93) 12%
Statistics (92) 12%
Neural networks (71) 9%
Logistic regression (69) 9%
Visualization (55) 7%
Association rules (42) 5%
Nearest neighbor (38) 5%
Text mining (30) 4%
Web mining (29) 4%
Bayesian nets / Naive Bayes (24) 3%
Sequence analysis (24) 3%
SVM (Support Vector Machine) (24) 3%
Hybrid methods (23) 3%
Genetic algorithms(12) 2%
Other (22) 3%


Karl Rexer, Other techniques
In addition to the standard statistical tools & standard decision trees, I''ve also been seeing great results with these data mining techniques:
-- Aggregating hundreds of CART trees to form one model using BAGGING (bootstrap aggregation) or ARCing (Adaptive Resampling & Combining)
-- Spline regression using MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regressoin Splines)
-- Friedman's MART (Stochastic Gradient Boosting) using Salford's TreeNet software. It's like ARCing on steroids!

Bruno, Other techniques
SRM: Robust Regression
Supervised clustering

Editor, Data Mining Techniques
What data mining techniques you use regularly?

KDnuggets Home » Polls » Data mining techniques (Nov 2003)