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Social Networks for Analytics / Data Mining


The previous poll asked: How frequently you use/visit these Social Network sites for Analytic / Data Mining Purposes?

The results show that LinkedIn (and its groups) is the most frequently visited site, followed by AnalyticBridge, and Facebook.
No voters have used MySpace and only 3 reported using Twitter professionally.

Usage of Social Networks
Social Network% of voters who use it
LinkedIn LinkedIn 48%
AnalyticBridge 26%
facebook Facebook 21%
Other 7.4%
None 34%

Among Linked visitors about half reported also visiting a LinkedIn professional group, while only 5% of Facebook visitors reported visiting a Facebook professional group.

About a third of voters did not use any social networks professionally, but among those who used them, most visited them at least weekly, with Facebook having the most frequent users.

Use Frequency overall
Weekly or more frequent 47%
At least monthly, but less than weekly 19%
Less than monthly or Never 34%

Usage of Social Networks
Bar height corresponds to popularity; bar width to % of users who use it at least weekly.
Social Network% of its users who visit at least weekly
facebook Facebook 90%
Other 71%

LinkedIn LinkedIn
AnalyticBridge 46%

Finally, we also broke down the voters by region. For all three top social network sites, most of the voters are from the US/Canada, with Europe in second place and Asia in third.
Usage of Social Networks
Social NetworkUS, CanadaEuropeAsiaOther regions
LinkedIn LinkedIn29844
facebook Facebook10532
Other social networks4210

Frank wrote that Xing is missing, the dominant social networking plattform for professional contacts in Europe and number two world-wide after LinkedIn.

FaceBook and MySpace seem to be more for private use. This is at least what the design of the four platforms and the number and content of the groups on these plattforms suggest.

Worth mentioning in this context might also be Google and Yahoo groups.

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