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Oracle R Enterprise

enables users to run R commands on database-resident data, develop and refine R scripts, and leverage the parallelism and scalability of the database.

Oracle Oracle R Enterprise makes the popular R statistical programming language and environment ready for the enterprise and big data. Designed for problems involving large amounts of data, Oracle R Enterprise enables users to run R commands on database-resident data, develop and refine R scripts, and leverage the parallelism and scalability of the database. Data analysts can run the latest R open source packages and develop and operationalize R scripts for analytical applications in one step-without having to learn SQL.

Oracle R Enterprise and R Open Source By leveraging the strengths of database, Oracle R Enterprise integrates the advantages of R with the power and scalability of the Oracle Database. Oracle R Enterprise 11g Release 2, an embedded component of the Oracle Database, makes Oracle tables/views accessible to the R environment as if they are native R objects and transparently leverages the massive scalability of the database for big data analysis problems.

In-Database Processing
Oracle R Enterprise allows data analysts and application developers to run R open source and the latest R community contributed R packages inside the database. Oracle R Enterprise pushes R commands to the database and eliminates data movement, maintains security and minimizes latency time from raw data to actionable information.

The Oracle Database 11g Release 2 and Oracle R Enterprise support a wide range of statistical techniques for in-database execution of R computations and leverage the strengths of database and the R open source engine on a case by case basis. Data analysts can use their favorite R GUI for exploratory data analysis on big data without learning SQL. Data analysts can focus on problem solving instead of struggling with data access and dealing with data volume challenges.

Users can use analytical sandboxes where they can analyze data and develop R scripts for deployment; results stay managed inside the Oracle Database. Open source R community contributed packages are supported. Users load the R package into R running in the database. The database provides parallel streams of data as input to the R package to work on in parallel and generate results. For R users used to working with file extracts, Oracle R Enterprise enables a gradual migration towards a database centric architecture. R users can push data from their desktop R to the database and use models.

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