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KNOWLEDGE GRID: A service-oriented data mining framework on Grids

allows for the distributed execution of data mining algorithms and KDD applications on Grids through the use of WSRF Web Services. New version is fully service-oriented and each data mining task or workflow is implemented as one or a set of services.

Grid Lab The Grid Computing Lab of University of Calabria (Italy) in cooperation with ICAR-CNR developed a new version of the KNOWLEDGE GRID which allows for the distributed execution of data mining algorithms and KDD applications on Grids through the use of WSRF Web Services. In this new version is fully service-oriented and each data mining task or workflow is implemented as one or a set of services.

The KNOWLEDGE GRID is designed on top of computational Grid mechanisms provided by Grid environments such as Globus Toolkit and uses basic Grid services such as communication, authentication, information, and resource management to build more specific distributed data mining tools and services. The KNOWLEDGE GRID services are organized into two layers:

  • Core K-Grid Layer , which is built on top of generic Grid services, and
  • High-Level K-Grid Layer , which is implemented over the core layer.
The KNOWLEDGE GRID enables the collaboration of scientists that must mine data that are stored in different research centers as well as executive managers that must use a knowledge management system that operates on several data warehouses located in the different company establishments.

A visual software environment, named DIS3GNO, has been implemented to allow a user to:

  • compose a distributed data mining workflow;
  • execute the workflow onto the KNOWLEDGE GRID
  • visualize the results of the data mining task.
DIS3GNO performs the mapping of user-defined workflows to the conceptual model and submits it to the KNOWLEDGE GRID services, managing the overall computation in a way that is transparent to the user.

The software prototype is available at: http://grid.deis.unical.it/kgrid/

KDnuggets Home » News » 2011 » Mar » Software » KNOWLEDGE GRID: A service-oriented data mining framework on Grids  ( < Prev | 11:n08 | Next > )