KDnuggets Home » News » 2012 » Oct » Competitions » Kaggle Beginner Competition: Predicting Titanic Survival using Machine Learning  ( < Prev | 12:n23 | Next > )

Kaggle Beginner Competition:
Predicting Titanic Survival using Machine Learning

Complete the analysis of who was likely to survive, using the tools of machine learning. Such competition are great starting place for people who don't have a lot of experience in data science and machine learning

Titanic The wreck of the RMS Titanic is one of the most infamous shipwreaks in history. On April 15, 1912, during her maiden voyage, the Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg, killing 1502 out of 2224 passengers and crew. This sensational tragedy shocked the international community and lead to better safety regulations for ships.

One of the reasons that the shipwreck lead to such loss of life was that there were not enough lifeboats for the passengers and crew. Although there was some element of luck involved in surviving the sinking, some groups of people were more likely to survive than others, such as women, children, and the upper-class.

In this contest, we ask you to complete the analysis of what sorts of people were likely to survive. In particular, we ask you to apply the tools of machine learning to predict which passengers survived the tragedy.

This Kaggle Getting Started Competition provides an ideal starting place for people who may not have a lot of experience in data science and machine learning. The data is highly structured and we provide 3 tutorials of increasing complexity. Please use the forums freely and as much as you like. There is no such thing as a stupid question; we guarantee someone else will be wondering the same thing!

To participate and for more information, visit www.kaggle.com/c/titanic-gettingStarted

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KDnuggets Home » News » 2012 » Oct » Competitions » Kaggle Beginner Competition: Predicting Titanic Survival using Machine Learning  ( < Prev | 12:n23 | Next > )