How to Import Data in R

To import data in R, you need to choose the appropriate method based on the data format.

How to Import Data in R
Image by Editor | Midjourney


Importing data is the first step in using R. You can load data from sources like CSV files, text files, and databases. Each source has its own method for importing. This article will explain how to import data from several sources into R.


Importing CSV Files


CSV files are a common way to store data. R provides several functions to import CSV files. The most commonly used are read.csv() and readr::read_csv(). The readr package is faster than read.csv(). It handles data types better.

data <- read_csv("path/to/your/file.csv")


Importing Excel Files


Excel files are common for storing data in spreadsheets. To import them into R, use the readxl or openxlsx package. The readxl package makes it easy to read Excel files. Use the read_excel() function to load your data.

data <- read_excel("path/to/your/file.xlsx")


The openxlsx package imports Excel files. Use the read.xlsx() function. It provides extra features for working with Excel files, like creating or modifying them.

data <- read.xlsx("path/to/your/file.xlsx", sheet = 1)


Importing Text Files


Text files often have data separated by delimiters, like tabs or custom characters. R can handle these files with functions like read.table() and readr::read_delim(). The readr package's read_delim() is usually faster and more flexible with different delimiters.

data <- read_delim("path/to/your/file.txt", delim = "\t")


Importing Data from Online Sources


Data can be imported directly from a URL into R. This includes data from URLs, APIs, and online databases. Use functions like read.csv() for direct URLs or packages like httr for API requests.

data <- read.csv("")


For JSON and XML data, use packages like jsonlite and xml2.

data <- fromJSON("")


Importing Data from a Database


To import data from a database in R, install and load the relevant package, such as RSQLite or RMySQL. Connect to the database using dbConnect(). Run a query with dbGetQuery() to fetch the data. Finally, close the connection with dbDisconnect().


con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "path/to/your/database.sqlite")
data <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM your_table")


Importing Data from JSON Files


First, install and load the jsonlite package. Then, use the fromJSON() function to read your JSON file. This function converts JSON data into an R data frame.

data <- fromJSON("path/to/your/file.json")


Importing Data from APIs


To import data from APIs in R, you first need to install and load the httr package. Use the GET() function to send a request to the API. Then, extract the content from the response using content().

response <- GET("")
data <- content(response, "parsed")


Importing Data from SAS Files


SAS files are common in statistical analysis. To import them into R, use the haven or sas7bdat package. The haven package imports SAS files directly into a data frame. It keeps variable labels and types intact.

data <- read_sas("path/to/your/file.sas7bdat")


The sas7bdat package imports SAS files into a data frame. It focuses on simplicity and efficiency.

data <- read.sas7bdat("path/to/your/file.sas7bdat")


Importing Data from SPSS Files


SPSS files are often used in social sciences. To import them into R, use the haven or foreign package. The haven package reads SPSS files and keeps variable and value labels. This helps to understand the data better.

data <- read_sav("path/to/your/file.sav")


The foreign package also provides functionality to read SPSS files but might not retain as much metadata.

data <- read.spss("path/to/your/file.sav", = TRUE)




Importing data into R is important for starting any analysis. You can bring data from different sources into R using the appropriate functions. This makes your work easier and lets you start analyzing sooner.

Jayita Gulati is a machine learning enthusiast and technical writer driven by her passion for building machine learning models. She holds a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Liverpool.