Learning Machine Learning… with Flashcards

Chris Albon has created and shared a way more cool way to reinforce your machine learning learning (not to be confused with learning reinforcement learning): the flashcard.

Sure, there are currently all sorts of options for learning machine learning. You've got your more traditional methods like textbooks. You've got your fancy newfangled approaches like MOOCs and video lectures on YouTube. Podcasts, blogs, Quora questions (and sometimes answers), and research papers abound! But Chris Albon has created and shared a way more cool way to reinforce your machine learning learning (not to be confused with learning reinforcement learning): the flashcard.

You may have seen the #machinelearningflashcards hashtag on Twitter or lurking in other social nooks around the web. You would even be forgiven for overlooking it, what with all the other options available, and everything else bombarding you in your social feeds.

But I tell you with sincerity: they are worth a look.

I, too, had seen them pop up on Twitter for quite some time, but genuinely not being in the market for machine learning flashcards, as it were, I didn't pay much attention. Until I did. When I checked out the flashcards' website, I realized how awesome they were in their simplicity, what with their hand-drawn charm, "honesty," and useful concision.


Though creator Chris Albon has been generous enough to share the cards freely, he also sells sets of the cards on the website.

What, exactly, are the flashcards? Directly from Chris:

Machine learning is a broad field, encompassing parts of computer science, statistics, scientific computing, and mathematics. There are hundreds of concepts to learn. These flashcards are designed to help you memorize key concepts in machine learning rapidly and enjoyably.


I asked Chris to select a few of his favorites to share with readers. What you see in this post reflects his choices.


As stated above, Chris sells high quality sets of printable cards in a variety of formats (including SVG, PDF, and PNG) on the website. Again, he does make cards available for free, but purchasing for the modest price of $10 has its benefits:

A zip file containing all flashcards in DRM-free web quality png image, print quality png image, PDF, Anki, and SVG vector file formats. You will also have free access to any updated or new flashcards forever.

If there is enough interest, I would absolutely love to keep making them. I currently have around 300 more ideas for cards I would like to make in the future.


And why does Chris sell them?

I am selling the flashcards for one reason: I have $48,608 in student loans. 100% of every purchase will go towards paying off those loans.


Do yourself a favor and at least check the resource out. Even if they are not for you, it's likely you have someone in your life who could use such a learning aid. Sharing is karma.

$10 is also karma.

Thanks for sharing this resource with the community, Chris, and thanks for picking out some of your favorites for our readers.
