Learn Python and get Certified as a Data Analyst for Free this Week!
From the 4th of November to the 10th of November, the entire DataCamp platform is free.
Stop what you’re doing right now. DataCamp has unlocked a free week of unlimited learning at no cost. There’s literally no catch. You don’t have to put your card details, you don’t have to subscribe to anything. You can simply go in and learn for free - for a week!
Why You Should Learn with DataCamp
We live in a fast-paced environment, and with this comes more opportunities for you to grasp. DataCamp believes everybody should have the opportunity to not only build data skills but also use them to advance their careers.
With that being said, DataCamp is on a mission to make learning more accessible with its free week of unlimited learning, no strings attached.
With this one-week promotion, you can take advantage of the various courses DataCamp offers, from beginner to advanced courses. Access hundreds of interactive courses such as Python, R, SWL, and machine learning.
Get Certified in a Week!
You can learn Python and get certified as a data analyst in a week - for free! Sounds great right? DataCamp has a variety of courses that it offers. Let’s go through 2 popular learning tracks that have continued to help students all over the world transition from being a newbie to landing their first role with confidence.
Data Analyst in Python
Let’s start by mentioning that this learning track is one of the most popular of its kind. If you’re interested in data analysis, or currently use data in your current job and want to take it to the next level - this track offered by DataCamp which requires no coding experience can take you from 0 to 100.
In this track, you will learn how to import, clean, manipulate, and visualize data. You’ll kick start your data analyst training with interactive exercises and get hands-on with some of the most popular Python libraries, including pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, and many more. As you continue to progress through the course, you will learn key statistics skills and cover topics such as data manipulation.
In a week you will be able to grow your Python skills and start to confidently apply for your first Python data analyst role.
Associate Data Scientist in R
Similar to data analysts but with a few different responsibilities, we have data scientists. The main difference between a data analyst and a data scientist is what they do with the data. A data analyst uses structured data to solve business problems whereas a data scientist uses advanced data techniques on structured and unstructured data to help the decision-making process when solving business problems.
In this course offered by DataCamp, you will learn how to use R for data science, including topics such as data import, clean, manipulate, and visualize. R is a very popular language that has continued to grow and is consistently used in research and other fields. In this course, you will go through interactive exercises where you’ll get hands-on with some of the most popular R packages, including tidyverse packages like ggplot2, dplyr, and readr.
With DataCamps free week access, you can confidently pass the Associate Data Scientist in R certification and thrive as a data scientist.
What Are You Waiting For?
DataCamp’s free access week is already live, so what are you waiting for? Kickstart your data journey today with DataCamp and take advantage of a full week of unlimited learning with no strings attached!