Poornima Muthukumar

Senior Technical Product Manager at Microsoft

Poornima Muthukumar is a Senior Technical Product Manager at Microsoft with over 10 years of experience in developing and delivering innovative solutions for various domains such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, distributed and big data systems. I have a Master's Degree in Data Science from the University of Washington. I hold four Patents at Microsoft specializing in AI/ML and Big Data Systems and was the winner of the Global Hackathon in 2016 in the Artificial Intelligence Category. I was honored to be on the Grace Hopper Conference reviewing panel for the Software Engineering category this year 2023. It was a rewarding experience to read and evaluate the submissions from talented women in these fields and contribute to the advancement of women in technology, as well as to learn from their research and insights. I was also a committee member for the Microsoft Machine Learning AI and Data Science (MLADS) June 2023 conference. I am also an Ambassador at the Women in Data Science Worldwide Community and Women Who Code Data Science Community.

  • A/B Testing: A Comprehensive Guide
    A/B testing is a method of comparing two versions of a web page, app, or other product to see which one performs better. This article covers the basics of A/B testing, how to design and run an effective experiment, and how to analyze and interpret the results.

  • Evaluating Methods for Calculating Document Similarity
    The blog covers methods for representing documents as vectors and computing similarity, such as Jaccard similarity, Euclidean distance, cosine similarity, and cosine similarity with TF-IDF, along with pre-processing steps for text data, such as tokenization, lowercasing, removing punctuation, removing stop words, and lemmatization.