ICDAR2013: Gender Prediction from Handwriting

A non-typical Kaggle competition looks at the prediction of gender from handwriting. Closing date is Apr 15.

Gender Prediction from HandwritingPredict if a handwritten document
has been produced by
a male or a female writer

The prediction of gender from handwriting has many applications including the forensic application where it can help investigators focusing more on a certain category of suspects.

The aim of this competition is to attract the interest of the document analysis community to this research area and to measure the performance of recent advances in this field.

A total of 475 writers produced 4 handwritten documents. The training set consists of the first 282 writers for which the genders are provided. Participants are asked to predict the gender of the remaining 193 writers.

This competition is organized in the scope of the Twelfth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR2013 that will be held in Washington, DC.

Learn more and participate at
