Cartoon: Thanksgiving, Big Data, and Turkey Data Science.

A classic KDnuggets Thanksgiving cartoon examines the predicament of one group of fowl Data Scientists.

For Thanksgiving holiday, we revisit a classic KDnuggets Thanksgiving cartoon, which takes a look at what could be predicted from Big Data?

A Turkey Data Scientist: "I don't like the look of this.

Searches for gravy and turkey stuffing are going through the roof!"

Cartoon: Thanksgiving, Big Data and Turkey Data Science

As a further example of life imitating art, the actual Google Trends for "turkey staffing" in the US look very similar to the cartoon! (However, only if we select US region, otherwise we find an earlier peak in October reflecting Canadian thanksgiving).

Google Trends for Turkey stuffing in US

Here are other KDnuggets Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science Cartoons.

and KDnuggets posts tagged cartoon.

See also other recent KDnuggets Cartoons: