Infographic – Data Scientist or Business Analyst? Knowing the Difference is Key

Infographic depicting unique differences between data scientists and business analysts. Find out what type of professional is needed to meet your organization’s needs.

wordcloud-analyticsBig data is big business, and organizations everywhere are scrambling to deal with the valuable mountain they have at their fingertips. Knowing how to gather data is one thing. Knowing what to do with it is another matter altogether.

Making the most of this digital goldmine to optimize outcomes and meet business goals requires some very advanced skills that many organizations don’t yet have within their ranks. But what type of data professionals are needed? Does an organization need a data scientist, or does it need a business analyst? Or does it need both? Although these two titles are often used interchangeably, they’re definitely not the same. That’s why Analytics@American has created following infographic to help provide clarity regarding the two roles. analytics_infographic_1 Infographic continues on page 2.